Ten Tips and Tricks For Dealing With Morning Sickness

November 06, 2017    /      Lynn Rockwell    /    0 comments

ten tips and tricks for dealing with morning sickness

Ahh morning sickness, or for some that deep and abiding stomach flu that lasts for three to four months straight. In my case, all-day sickness. Nothing I tried was a magical solution. I mostly just had to suffer through it. Check with your doctor before taking any medication to be sure it is safe.

To all of my pregnant sisters out there who are lying in bed near a bowl or toilet, here are some tips and tricks that I've discovered over the years that may give you 5 minutes of relief until the next bout hits.

1. DOCTOR PERSCRIBED MEDS: Some women swear by these, but I didn't find anything to be a "cure." Zofran maybe made me throw up less, but I still felt like I was about to puke my guts out 24/7, which was sometimes worse. Phenergan made me so deliriously sleepy that I couldn't function, and Reglen gave me crazy side effects. At 10 weeks I started having contractions and intestinal cramping because my body completely rejected it.

2. VITAMIN B6 and ½ UNISOM TABLET. Again, this combo didn't prove to do much for me, but I know it works miracles for others. For many it just takes the edge off. But beware, it might make you sleepy.

3. LEMON DROPS: For about four weeks straight, I popped lemon drops almost constantly to help with the nausea. And then of course I got incredibly sick of that taste being in my mouth. I don't know if I'll ever be able to suck on a lemon drop again, but I swear it helped.

4. FOUNTAIN SODA/LIMEADE: I'm not a natural soda drinker. But a fizzy fountain Sprite always helped a little.

5. STRING CHEESE: In those moments where I had to grab to eat something immediately, I usually went for string cheese. I could only live on pretzels and crackers for so long. I still grab string cheese in the evenings when the nausea hits and at this point it's usually (not always) enough to tide me over till bedtime.

6. AVOID THINGS THAT WON'T FEEL GOOD COMING BACK UP. I get into a different eating mentality when I'm pregnant. With everything I consume, I consider how bad the repercussions will be when the contents come back up. Salad and spicy food are the worst in my opinion. Just sayin' - think before you eat.

7. Avoid talking to anyone who was nauseous for one day and/or threw up once or twice during their pregnancies, and thinks they "know what you're going through." It just makes you want to punch them in the face.

8. AIRPLANE BARF BAGS: I've tried out a variety of barf receptacles, and airplane bags are the best. They fold up enough to put several in your purse, they are thick and hole-free, and they usually have a sealing flap to keep the contents contained until you can find a trash can.

9. FIND DISTRACTIONS: Even though I wanted to curl up and not leave the house, doing nothing for three months straight would have made me go crazy. I never felt up to it, but I still went to book club and playgroups and church and other outings. The time passed so slowly that any distraction I could find to fill the time was worth the effort. As long as I had my airplane barf bags close at hand.

10- PERSPECTIVE: Without warning, pregnancy took over my life. And it should (well, if you're lucky, not the sickness part) for anyone who is growing a human being. Even though it seems like it will never end, I have two growing children that prove that it does indeed end. As hard as it is to endure, do the best you can to remember that it won't last forever. You'll have your body back again. You'll reestablish your normal routines and hobbies. You'll set new goals when you feel better. For now, give yourself a break and do what you need to do to survive, one day at a time. This too shall pass. I promise.

-Lindsay is a a kindergarten teacher turned yoga instructor turned web designer and mother to 3 boys with another on the way. You can read more from her here and find some of her amazing blog designs here.


Lynn Rockwell


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