Five Amazing Facts About Breastfeeding

October 25, 2017    /      Lynn Rockwell    /    0 comments

five amazing facts about breastfeeding

You already know that breastfeeding is an incredible experience and the perfect way to nourish your baby.

But did you know. . .

1- You cannot overfeed a breastfed baby. The baby will nurse until they are full, not until your breast is empty, like a bottle.

2- Breastfeeding triggers the release of the hormone oxytocin, which relaxes you and baby both, giving you a breastfeeding high.

3- Babies are not born with an established circadian rhythm. They can’t tell day from night and they do not make their own melatonin. Your nighttime breastmilk has melatonin in it! (Source) Scientists believe that melatonin-rich breastmilk that you produce at night helps babies develop their own circadian cycles and helps them learn to sleep longer stretches at night.

4- Colostrum, your first milk, protects against all the germs your baby is suddenly exposed to. Colostrum also works as a laxative to get baby's intestines working to help clean out all the meconium.

5- The composition of your breastmilk will change as your baby gets older to meet their changing nutritional needs. Your milk even changes from day to day. During times of hot weather or sickness, your breastmilk contains a higher water content to provide extra hydration.


Lynn Rockwell



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